(My last day at work with these ladies. They were so great and welcoming and made me feel like a part of the team right from the beginning. Love them!)
(Our first Saint Patrick's day. We actually forgot until that evening and decided we should put something green on!)
(Since we had some time off for vacation and Steven was also between jobs we decided to have a staycation and explore our great state! We're on our way to the aquarium!)
(My husband feeding the turtles. We never get sucked into those extra gimmicks places have just to get your money, but this was a good $3 spent. So entertaining!)
(Biggest sea slug ever!)
(Braving Thunder Alley during the thunder storm! We are dedicated fans!)
(Summer morning at my parents. I really am so grateful to be staying with them.)
Our moving fiasco... I'm so embarrassed, but we'll look back and laugh at all of this... right?
(I really felt like we lived in a gypsy caravan... Kind of fun and cool at first, but then 2 months later it became my nightmare.)
(All of my art supplies packed up, so sad)
(It's slowly coming along. We call this space our "office", haha.)
(Welcome to our "living room")
(Interview outfit... woop!)
Lots and lots of much needed time with friends!
(Putt-Putt date!)
(Our second trip to Abilene, We love these guys!)
( Fishbowl margarita for our reuniting celebration)
Even thought though life has been absolutely insane these past months, I wouldn't trade mine for anyone elses!
Happy Thursday!