Baby Bump


I am a 25 year old wife, dog mom, artists, teacher, friend, and child of God. I love everything handmade and crafty. I live with my absolutely wonderful husband in Oklahoma.We  bought our first house in August of 2013, and I absolutely love it! We’re just a short drive from both of our parents and the city, which is right where we want to be. We are learning what it means to be accountable to each other and how much we actually rely on each other in this crazy life!

I worked as an administrative secretary right after I graduated college. Some days it was hard for my little creative brain to fit itself into the 9-5 office world. Luckily, my husband is super supportive of my dreams and my happiness. I quit my job and started subbing full time. Because of this I landed a full time art teaching position at a charter school in OKC. After completing my first year teaching, I accepted a new teaching job in our little town. I now teach art to 6th, 7th, & 8th graders! God makes everything work according to His plan and I am super excited for the plans He has for our lives. I’m still finding ways to release my creative energy throughout the day while leaving time for cooking adventures and cuddling with my love. I do absolutely love the life I've been given! 

Thanks so much for stopping by! I do hope you found something inspiring and motivating to you!