Baby Bump

Thursday, October 13

Thoughtful Thursday

I'm finally learning that sometimes the hardest part of dreaming or planning is just believing in your self, actually being able to visualize what you and your life would look like if, in fact, you actually went through with what your heart knew you needed too do.

If you've read some of my past blogs you know that I've been struggling with all of this newness, and change, and lack of direction. This lack of direction allows my mind to wander... and wander it does!! I've gone from the extremes of being a stay at home mom to owning my own business, from wanting to be a teacher to creating my own fashion line. All of these seem like great ideas, but honestly all of the possible possibilities were overwhelming me and still leaving me with no real place to go. It was like a circus inside my head at all times. I'm just so lucky that I have the most amazing husband who was willing to listen to this madness time and time again.

I just don't want our lives to get taken up by things we don't love and mundane everyday chores. Which I sadly thought is where we were headed.

Luckily though, through lots of prayer, soul searching, and talking ( lots and lots of talking) I'm starting to be able to visualize what I want our life to look like, what actually pursuing my dreams will consist of. I know that I won't be at this job forever ( which makes it easier to come to work...most days) but while I'm here I will gladly accept the pay check. I know good things start small and take lots of hard work. ( which is why we are now limiting ourselves to only 2 episodes of the office each was getting pretty bad. haha) And I know that everything has to start somewhere and there will be no better time in our lives to take risks than right now.

So, this is me getting up off the couch,  turning the t.v. off, and actually living my life again.

I'm not ashamed to say I was probably on the brink of a small case of depression, or maybe just confusion. Because that's real life, but real people succeed every single day at doing what they love.

I'm not sure if many people read this, but if you do, don't give up,ever. Things get bad and that's ok, just remember that they will always get better if you want them to

happy dreaming


  1. So what direction are you gonna go in following your dreams? Maybe you're an example for some of us.

  2. Follow your heart and God - Everything you go through has a purpose. When there are lots of changes in your life, even if all good changes, you can lose your way - be overwhelmed by them all. But it is a little segue in life to help you refocus on what you want and where you are going.

  3. I'm going to start working on more art pieces to sell, possibly stat looking for venues to show my stuff and start working on tutoring and putting together weekend art workshops for kids! Especially since the holidays are coming up, there are just so many fun crafts to teach them!

    Hopefully one day I will be able to have a little store to sell handmade goods and a studio in the back for classes and workshops.

    im just going to start small working towards my goals and we'll see where they take me!
