Baby Bump

Thursday, December 1

Thoughtful Thursday

Note: I'm only getting this personal and deep because I don't want anyone to feel like they are ever the only one going through any stage of life. We should all be in this life together, encouraging each other and trying to find the silver lining.

I've been thinking about this a lot lately. Sometimes about specific people in my life, sometimes just about types of people in my life. I know the types of people I'm done trying to fit in with, I know the types of people I want to surround my life with, I just don't know how to make a smooth transition between the two. Or if that's even a possibility

I'm not gunna lie... I know it's going to hurt, and I know I'm scared. It's something that I have been avoiding for a long, long time now.

Sometimes the truth hurts, but it's still the truth, it's still fact. We still have to deal with reality whether we want to or not. Sure we can hide in our cocoons, our little shells we make our "home,"  but sooner or later we're going to have to come out and see what the world really has to offer us.

I don't know where this may put me in life, I don't know how bad or long it'll hurt, I just know that I will get through it, I will be happier, and I will be more of who I'm supposed to be. I know that the people who mean the most to me and truley care about me is who I will spend my time and energy on. I'm done spending my energy on everyone else, or trying to prove who knows what to someone who isn't even listening. I'm just so thankful that I get to spend all my saturday nights with my very best friend and I know he'll always pick me.

We're all in different seasons of life. One isn't more right or wrong than the other... they're just different. We fall in and out of relationships, we have different hopes and plans for ourselves. The hard part is knowing when to fight and when to let go.

Good luck to you on your journey through whatever season you're in. If it's awesome, soak it up! If it's not, don't worry. You'll get through it if you decide to, the good thing about seasons is that they change.

Happy Thursday!!

1 comment:

  1. Amen, you wise wonderful woman! Tell me how you do it, as i am still struggling with this, daily.
