Baby Bump

Thursday, January 5

Thoughtful Thursday

I found this friendly little note on pinterest a few weeks ago and it has been ringing in my head loud and clear ever since. This is something I struggle with A LOT. Especially lately since my life is in a different phase than most of the people I know. I'm not in school anymore , I have a husband, and a full time job that I have to go to every. single. day. Whether I want to or not. I have a list of personal goals from here to Egypt and I still have to iron and do dishes and buy groceries. Trying to compare my life to my friends' lives who are still in college or to some awesome blogger wife who has 3 kids, stays at home, and owns her own art shop takes a lot of energy and fogs up my view of my wonderful life. I start thinking, "Well, they get to do things why can't I?" or " She seems to be able to do it all why do I feel stuck?" Now don't get me wrong, these questions aren't pity party questions by any means. These questions just get me fired up and leave me more frustrated than anything. day... it hit me! I'm not doing what everyone else is doing because that's not my path in life. Duh! Why did I ever think that God would write everyone the same story? Very few things would get accomplished if that were the case. I have a specific role in life and I am on the track that I, Lea Stone, need to be on to fit this role. Glorious! Once I really understood this it was like the weight just fell off my shoulders.

I think we just get so caught up in everyone else's story that we forgot that we have one of our own. Sure, I don't get to stay out late on weeknights any more and decide to skip class the next day and have pizza rolls for breakfast. But I do get to come home every night to a husband who loves spending time with me even if we are just eating dinner and watching t.v. and wake up every morning with my best friend. These are things I'm sure people would kill for. Lucky me!


I want this blog to be a positive, up beat, inspiring place, but I also want it to be real. I want everyone to know that things get nasty sometimes, but that just gives us an opportunity to experience life and ourselves more deeply and to possibly help someone out down the road with our experiences. I hope you are completely, over the top, excited to be living out YOUR story! Because you should be!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! You are so lucky to be where you are. I love you :)
