Baby Bump

Monday, July 22

Get Ready.

This is a looooooooooooong one!

Last week I realized that my last blog post was from February. Five months later I'm ready to get back into the blogging game! A lot has happened in my life since my last post, but the most important items are: 1. I survived my first year of teaching! 2. I am LOVING my first summer off ( I could really get used to this) 3. I have a new teaching job that I will be starting in three short weeks, ahh! I'm almost certain this will be my dream teaching job. I am so thankful God gave me the courage and strength to follow his plan for my life. Sometimes it can be really tough!

I was going to talk about how I wanted my blog to have a new start and how I have new ideas and a new direction I want my blog to go, but...I already did that in my last blog post

"I'm ready to turn this blog into something that inspires me and others to get crafty and creative, to make a house a home, and to make something pretty or find something beautiful every day. "

Well, there ya go. Plain and simple.

I've been thinking about blogging and why I started and why I keep doing it. I do it because for some reason it makes me happy. For some reason it helps get me going creatively and some days it's enough of a creative outlet.
I was also inspired by this blog post by Oh, sweet joy! (Seriously, read it!)
The main thing she said that stuck out to me was "A huge goal of mine in this space is to simply inspire. Whether that is through my faith (or sometimes lack thereof), my personal style, my sometimes flawed - but hopefully accessible - recipes, my diy projects, my handmade businesses, or whatever...I hope that it's never a boastful attitude coming across, but a desire to share gifts that I have with people who want to read it."

I don't post as many recipes or DIY projects or outfits as a lot of other bloggers, but I post things that inspire me and make me happy. I post the good and bad about my life and trying to live out my faith. Her post reminded me that I'm not trying to accomplish anything with this blog but to inspire people and let them know that they may not be alone in struggling with their faith or some other life lesson they may be learning.

With that being said, I've been learning some great life lessons in the past couple of weeks. I get so caught up in doing and planning and being productive and trying to get ahead, that I don't realize when there's something wrong with me, on the inside. Now, don't think I'm not happy, because I totally am! I think that's why it's taken me so long to realize I have a small problem. I love the life I have and my husband and my parents and our group of friends and my (soon to be) new job. However, I have a problem with self control when it comes to food and spending money and I have a problem with motivating myself when it comes to creating and arting ( I mean, I'm supposed to be an artist, why don't I want to create anything??.) I didn't realize this until I was talking to my mom and actually said these things out loud. She said, "Well, it sounds like you're not happy, but I know that you are." It made me realize that I wasn't giving myself and my thoughts to God like I should be. I've been really busy this summer filling my physical needs, that I have completely forgotten about my emotional and spiritual needs. And they are letting me know! I am so thankful that I've realized what's been happening inside of me now. Now me and God can fix it together ( because I can do NOTHING with my own strength.) and I can get back on track to having more balance in my life instead of just eating and spending whenever and whatever I want. We are so blessed to have jobs and a bank account that allow me to shop and buy what I want, but that's not what God has given us this money for and it's completely selfish of me to think that it's all for my personal use and want of worldly things.

As for the motivation to create and art? We are working on that too! See, I'm an artists that needs a purpose to create. Using my creative energy isn't enough for some reason. ( Maybe I don't feel like my feelings are worthy enough, who knows!) I am also an artist that takes her talent for granted. I know I can do things and create things, but I don't. Luckily I bought the summer issue of Artful Blogging and found the most inspiring post by Stephanie Ackerman at Homegrown Hospitality.  She said. "I am an artists. I have talents and gifts that are God-given. My job is to create, share, inspire, and remind others of the things they probably already knew, but just forgot to remember." 
I forgot to remember that! I am an artist! I have God-given talents and skills! This small article in this magazine has changed that way I look at my career and hobby. Instead of it being a burden and not knowing why I NEED to use my creative energy on a daily basis, but not wanting to because of fear, I get to have this gift and rejoice in the talents I have been given and use my powers for good! Instead of saying, " yeah, I can make that." I get to say, "Yeah! I CAN make that!" and this thought has made all the difference. I've finally started an etsy shop. ( I'm not ready to reveal it just yet. I need a few more updated pieces in there) I'm not weighed down by the fact that I'm supposed to be an artists, but I never want to create. I am confident in saying I AM an artists because that's what God designed me to be! And I am so thankful he gave me such a cool passion! 

I would like to leave on a lighter note, so here's a picture of our happy Josie Rose

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