Baby Bump

Monday, April 14

Expectations vs. reality: Part 2

( For part 1 click here)

Expectation #1- "Now that I'm pregnant I actually have an excuse to look and feel fat! Finally! This is going to be great!"
Reality- Even though I know I'm growing a human life inside of my body and it's an incredibly amazing miracle that not every woman gets to experience, it's still hard to get on the scale and see the numbers climbing and climbing. It's still hard to have to try on 4 different dresses because your butt and thighs have grown right along with your baby bump. It's still hard to want to eat better because the numbers are still going up and up no matter what you eat ( or don't eat). I've come to the conclusion that there is absolutely nothing I can do about the numbers on the scale or the way my clothes are fitting. ( Duh, I'm growing a kid.) I just remind myself that my I will have to work really hard after he's here, and I will feel normal again... hopefully.

Expectation #2-"I can't wait to nest and organize all of our baby gifts and decorate the nursery!"
Reality- I didn't get to nest much before we found out what we were having (5 months), then Christmas happened which meant low funds. But I I also got a Christmas break which was a great two weeks to make some crafts! I got to create a lot of his artwork, a couple of car seat covers, and his bed skirt. Our crib and mattress was also delivered which was super exciting! Since then we decided to wait until all of our showers were over to finish things up and order our big ticket items. While I am still SUPER excited to finish nesting, organizing, and decorating I didn't realize how hard it would be for me at 8 1/2 months pregnant. It's really hard getting up and down off the ground, I can't life heavy things, I"m super tired if I've had a long day already, and I have to depend a lot on my sweet mom and husband to help unload and unpack everything. This means I have to wait until they are available to completely finish tasks. This is very hard for me and my super efficient, independent self!

Expectation #3- "Everyone I've talked to absolutely loved being pregnant, I know I will too!"
Reality- I think my problem is that everyone I talked to was already DONE being pregnant. I think I need to talk to someone who is about 8 1/2 months pregnant and see how much they love it. Honestly, I have had a super easy pregnancy. No morning sickness, no weird cravings, no stretch marks yet, just a week of bad headaches and about a month or two of not wanting to eat meat. So I do consider myself extremely lucky! However, the round ligament pain alone is enough to make me want to rip this kid out of me right this second. I also only go to the bathroom about once a night, which is way better than I expected, but my body is so stiff and my joints are so poppy and my muscles are so stretched that it takes me about a million years to roll over, get out of bed, and actually make it to the bathroom. I really love feeling him roll around inside my tummy, and I LOVE the fact that my body is so amazing that it can CREATE A HUMAN BEING, but I'm tired, round, heavy, and ready to get this show on the road! I'm sure when people ask me in the future, I will look back and realize that I LOVED being pregnant. But right now I'm just ready to be able to bend over again!

   Trimesters of pregnancy: 1. Sick and tired. 2. Awww baby kicks! 3. Get.This.Baby.out.

Thursday, April 10

34 weeks and counting!

How far along? 34 weeks (last Sunday)
Total weight gain:  Too much!.
Maternity clothes? All maternity bottoms, some maternity tops. Unfortunately most of my dresses are too tight in the butt now! So elastic skirts it is!
Sleep? Missing it! Staying up late helps a little, but not enough to keep the insomnia away! 
Stretch marks? Not on my round belly yet!
Innie or outie? becoming flatter by the day.. still holding strong though!
Best moment this week: The beginning of April!
Miss Anything? Sleeping, wearing my wedding rings, wearing normal clothes, bending over... should I go on? 
Movement: So much! Sometimes I feel like he's going to push right through!
Food Cravings: None right now, maybe cookie cake... actually, definitely cookie cake and peanut butter oatmeal squares!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Trash!
Gender: Frogs, snails, and puppy dog tails!
Pregnancy Symptoms: Is feeling fat one of them? This sweet boy is making me quite heavy and slooooowwww. Also, round ligament pain is alive and well! 
Labor Signs: None
Wedding rings on or off? Still off. This is making me incredibly sad.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy for the most part! Really just tired and sore from all of the stretching my insides are doing.
Looking forward to: Our shower this weekend and finishing up most of our shopping! Also, finishing up the nursery!