Baby Bump

Wednesday, February 29

Artful Wednesday

Artist of the Week: Vladimir Kush

I just recently stumbled upon some of his art work and instantly fell in love. I love the serene feeling most of his pieces have and the whimsical nature of his subjects. His paintings definitely resemble those of a surealist artist. I think they are much more welcoming than Salvador Dali's work! He also has some very awesome sculptures ::here::! Enjoy!

(Fish in the City)
Love this! Who wouldn't want to cross a caterpillar bridge?

(Atlas of Wonder)

(Butterfly Apple)
I think this is so beautiful!
(Departure of the Winged Ship)
This is probably one of my favorites by him. It's just so dreamy!

(Heavenly Fruits)

(Land of Cervantes)
See his tiny net? Good luck little man!

Vladimir Kush was born in Russia near the Moscow forest-park Sokolniki.
At the age of seven Vladimir began to attend art school until late evening where he became acquainted with the works of great artists of the Renaissance, famous Impressionists, and Modern Artists.
Vladimir entered the Moscow Higher Art and Craft School at age 17, but a year later he was conscripted. After six months of military training the unit commander thought it more appropriate to employ him exclusively for peaceful purposes, namely, painting propagandistic posters.
After military service and graduating the Institute of Fine Arts, Vladimir painted portraits on Arbat Street to support his family during the hard times in Russia.
In the year 1987, Vladimir began to take part in exhibitions organized by the Union of Artists. At a show in Coburg, Germany in 1990, nearly all his displayed paintings sold and after closing the exhibition, he flew to Los Angeles where 20 of his works were exhibited and began his “American Odyssey.”
In Los Angeles, Kush worked in a small, rented home garage, but was unable to find a place to display his paintings. He earned money by drawing portraits on the Santa Monica pier and eventually was able to purchase a ticket to his “Promised Land,” Hawaii.

Monday, February 27

Verse of the Week

We can make our own plans, but the LORD gives the right answer.
Proverbs 16:1 (NLT)

This verse showed up in my inbox this morning.

I love how God knows exactly what I need to hear.

I just pray that He will make His plans known and I will be able to hear them.

I hope you are having a great monday!


Thursday, February 23

Thoughtful Thursday

It's absolutely crazy how fast things can change, how fast all the plans you had for your near future, a mere 4 weeks away, can be put on hold or re-routed.

I'm not going to go into details, but over the past week our life has turned upside down and inside out. It's become something totally different than we ever planned, than we ever thought. We're in a position that I never saw us being in, especially the first year of marriage! Now don't worry, our relationship is fine! But things in our life are different, and there may or may not be a plan right now. (I can't really decide if what we're doing is a plan or if it's just our fight or flight coming out, haha)

And even yesterday I went through about 50 different emotions all before lunch time. Feelings of fear, panic, not feeling content (which I hate), feeling like I was making a bad decision, feeling stuck.

But after my lovely walk yesterday at lunch, a nice quiet time between me and God, and a few information filled phone calls things were starting to look up.

I wasn't feeling so trapped anymore, actually the information I got made me more free than I had expected! (which is also scary! haha) I didn't feel like we were making such a bad decision afterall. It might not be the way we had things planned, or even what God had wanted for us, but I do believe with all my heart that he is making everything less painful for us.

I keep reminding myself that none of this is a surprise to God. He knows what's going to happen in a week, or tomorrow, or even 10 minutes from now! What an absolute relief...

I'm just trying to make this a learning experience. It's helping me realize that even though I plan and plan and think and discuss and plan, that doesn't mean any of it HAS to happen. I'm not entitled to anything happening smoothely, as much as I'd like to think I was organized enough to make it go smoothely. It's also helping me realize that nothing is permanent and everything, if looked at through the right lense, can be an adventure!

So here's to us my love, and all of our crazy "adventures"!

Such a pretty day yesterday!

I am definitely going to utilize this walking trail a lot more. It's so nice to have a place to go and be by myself.

I just had to show off my new springtime kicks! Thanks my love!

Wednesday, February 22

Big, bright, beautiful Wednesday!

I have been slightly obssessed with color lately. Especially since the weather hasn't been that bad and I am more than ready for spring! Since I don't have pinterest anymore at work and we've recently turned our internet of at our house I think I'm going to start doing an "Artist Spotlight" type of thing. I mean... who doesn't love finding new, amazing, inspiring art, right? I know I do!

I would love to introduce you to Thomas Cambell, I hope you find his artwork just as dreamy as I do!

There is definitely some Thomas Cambell inspired art in my future!

 Love the colors, love the stitches, love the design, just LOVE!

What a great working space! How could you not get inspired with all of those colors??

Just beautiful.

This is one of his gallery exhibits. I think it's just perfect!

I hope these put a giant smile on your face and makes your wednesday a little easier to get through.

{Click here to learn more about Thomas Cambell}

Friday, February 17

If I could, I would...

 If I could travel anywhere in the world, I would travel to Greece.

If I could have done anything before I fell in love with Steven, I would have been a stewardess.

If I could teach anybody anything, I would teach them how to fully express themselves through art.

If I could decorate any room in my house any way I wanted, I would have lots of art, wood, white, and spashes of color.

If I could make you feel anything in the world, I would want to make you feel like you were enough, that you are where at what you are meant to be, and that's enough.

If I could tell you one thing about my life, I would tell you that I has of right now I don't really have a game plan, and that's super scary to me.

If I could change anything in or about my life, I wouldn't

I hope you have just the right kind of weekend you need.
Happy friday!

Wednesday, February 15

My sweet Valentine's day surprise!

I was too excited when my love came home with these lovelies! A delicious dinner, flowers, couch time, and an awesome Thunder win... what more could a girl want?!

I decided to bring them to work with me since I spend more time here than at home and I need a little more happiness when I'm at work.

 I think they make quite a nice addition to my desk.

I hope your day was filled with lots of love!

Tuesday, February 14

Love letters straight from the heart

We'll my original plan was to wake up early and make my husband heart shaped pancakes, but when the alarm went off (for the second time) I realized I had forgotten to get eggs, and honestly I was just too tired. However, when he hoped in the shower I scrambled to get his lunch made for this special day.

yep, I went there!

I was sooo excited to make him lunch today! I didn't have a cookie cutter, but someone found a lovely heart shaped candy tin that worked quite nicely for a template. (That's why they look a little rough around the edges.) And that lucky duck got two! Because I didn't want him to starve to death... they were kind of small!

So there, there's my small bit of Valentine's cheer. I'm usually a lot better with holidays, but things have been kind of off lately. I don't really like Valentine's day for myself, because honestly, when you're married to a great man it's Valentine's day all year round! But do I usually like to spoil the people I love. So I'm dedicating this whole day to serving him and showing him I love him more than anything in the world.

When you've been some kind of couple for as long as we have there are definitely some rough patches, but everyday I wake up and I can't understand how I can be even more in love with him than the day before. Sometimes it just makes my heart want to burst!

He makes me laugh when I want to throw things, he helps me keep my feet on the ground when my head is in the clouds, he encourages me to believe in myself as much as he believes in me,  he takes care of me when I'm sick, and he's by far the greatest decision I've ever made in my life. I would be so lost without him.

So here's to us, my love! Happy first Valentine's day as Mr. and Mrs! I love you lots and lots.

Thursday, February 9

Thoughtfilled Thursday

Just in case...

In case you were wondering, it's definitely one of those days where I don't want to do anything, but be at home with my husband watching HGTV and talking.

In case you were wondering, I would rather eat something salty for breakfast like cheeze-its or pizza than something sweet like donuts or cereal.

In case you were wondering, I'm absolutely terrified to take this next step in my life.

In case you were wondering, I have the absolute best support system I could ever ask for. A husband that loves me and encourages me to follow my dreams and parents who bend over backwards and go out of their way for me daily.

In case you were wondering, I sometimes get embarrassed when I call myself an artist.

In case you were wondering, I wouldn't trade the feeling I get when I'm sleeping next to my husband for anything in the entire world. It might just be my favorite part of the day.

In case you were wondering, I have a need to feel stable and secure, but free at the same time.

In case you were wondering, I'm incredibly selfish. I never really realized how selfish I was until I added another person in my life to think about. I am reminded multiple times a day how hard it is to deny myself for the greater good of both of us. I also fail miserably at this almost daily.

In case you were wondering, I love light, happy, pretty things. Give me something whitewashed with little splashes of color and I'm in love!

In case you were wondering, I haven't really gotten into creating in so long that I'm scared I've forgotten how to just let go and create.

In case you were wondering, I'm kind of a control freak and a planzilla, but I'm working on it.

In case you were wondering, I love to dance, anytime, anywhere. This usually makes my husband very embarrassed. Luckily, he still loves me.

In case you were wondering, I yearn to discover God's will for our lives. I just want to know that what I'm doing is acording to his will and that it will succeed. 

In case you were wondering, I'm afraid of failure.

In case you were wondering, I wish I had more creative time for my blog. Hopefully it'll develope into something more in the future.

In case you were wondering, I love you all for reading this. I really, truley do.

Tuesday, February 7

Love on a Tuesday afternoon

I am completely obsessed with almost everything Anthropologie has to offer. But I especially love all of their new Buenos Aires inspired spring things. Online window shopping time? Don't mind if I do!I'm a sucker for anything "homey", especially if they are as light and refreshing as these things! 

I would definitely love to have company over for some kind of delicious beverage if I got to pour it out of this lovely pitcher!

This makes my heart completely melt.

Are these knobs not wonderful?! Love, Love, Love.

I would want to keep this cute little guy out all the time!

I'm not sure I could actually use these pretty little towels, but they sure would make drying dishes a little easier!

I'm a sucker for almost any kind of trinket dish.

I'm sure I could make these out of normal file folders.... but I am loving these patterns.

uber love. Want all of them. In my house. ASAP

If I had a million dollars, I'd probably honestly be really conservative and smart with it, but I would WANT to spend most of it at Anthropology. And I'm super excited to announce that Oklahoma City just got a brand new Anthropology store! Can you believe it?! I have yet to go there, but I definitely have a date with that place in the near future. (Just a teeny, tiny, little hint to my wonderful husband... I know you're reading!)

p.s. Here's all of their new arrivals online.... you can thank me later.

Monday, February 6

Verse of the Week

(For the record, I did not create this.)

For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow.   ~ James 1:3

Friday, February 3

Heart to heart

First off,  getting caught up on my blog reading is one of my most favorite times of the day. Normally I do it in the morning while everyone filters into work, but sometimes things get busy first thing and I have to read them later. But whenever I do get to read them, that's my favorite time. It's just so refreshing to see what other people, who are like me, are doing in their part of the world. I love how real people are, most of the time things are great and happy. But when there is something heavier they are so willing to share and most of the time try to see God and the positive in it. It's encouraging and motivating to know there are still real people out there.

On that note, I feel like I need to have a heart to heart. I need to talk about what's been on my heart. Lately, I've been filled with a lot of fear and anxiety.

Fear of someone breaking in again, fear that someone will get in our house when I'm home by myself, or when we're sleeping, fear of being killed in our own house, fear of losing Steven, fear of failing, fear of the next step in my life, fear that this new plan isn't really from God, fear that I'm putting too much of myself into it, fear of change, fear of the lack of stability.

I've been praying and praying for peace, but I can't seem to just let go and let God have my fears. I don't know why i'm holding onto them, I don't want to.

All of this fear is taking up my energy and making me heavy. It's consuming my thoughts and taking time away from Steven. The devil is quite hard at work these days. Especially when I was so certain before what my next steps should be, now I doubt whether it was from God or if I will succeed.

We don't have many plans this weekend. Hopefully I will take advantage of this and find some time that I can have to myself, without the hummimg of a computer, or tv, or the dishes telling me to clean them. Hopfully I can find a place and just talk to God, and give him everything.

This song from Matt Hammit has really been helping my heart lately.

"I can't give you half my heart
And pray He makes you whole

You're gonna have all of me
You're gonna have all of me
Cause you're worth every falling tear
You're worth facing any fear
You're gonna know all my love
Even if it's not enough
Enough to mend our broken hearts
But giving you all of me
Is where I'll start"

I hope you all have a wonderfully refreshing weekend, and you find the time you need for you.


Wednesday, February 1

Pinteresting Wednesday

Since I"ve been blocked from all things Pinterest at work, Pinteresting Wednesdays might come a little later than normal, but have no fear they'll still be here! ( haha nice, right ?) In honor of this absolutely gorgeous first day of February I've found a nice little collection of places I would have rather been today instead of work. Hopefully you can find sometime to enjoy somewhere like this!

Such a great little secret place to sit and think about life.

Easy peasy outdoor bench!
Now, honestly who couldn't take an amazing nap here?
Just lovely.
This is my kind of garden nook! So cozy and friendly looking.
Perfect little bench.
If we were having any kind of a normal winter I wouldn't mind going out and cozying up for this darling little snow filled picnic.

I really do you hope you're experiencing weather as fabulous as ours right now!
