Our sweet boy, Arlo Harrison Stone, was born on May 28th at 1:53 in the morning. Having him was like nothing I had ever experienced before in my life and looking back there was really nothing I could have done to prepare myself for that journey. Of course I read lots of books and blogs about what each week of my pregnancy would be like and what to pack in my hospital bag and even a few people's birth stories. I kept reminding myself that everyone is different and everyone has their own story and it's so true! I had expectations my whole pregnancy about our story and what Arlo's birth would be like and then the day came! I had been anticipating feeling contractions and timing them at home while Steven came home to get me to take me to the hospital, but being 9 days past my "due date", no signs of progress, and being terribly uncomfortable and ready to get this kid out we decided induction was the best option for us.
I was scheduled to check in to our room at 8:00 on May 26th, the Monday of Memorial weekend. We were so nervous the whole day. I even went and saw a movie to pass the time and keep my mind off things! Our friend who was going to be staying out the house and watching the dog showed up early to hang out and keep Steven occupied. It was finally time for us to go and we went and ate our last dinner just the two of us and enjoyed spending some time together.
41 weeks!
I kept thinking about my check list and the bags we had packed, how we would be bringing home a tiny little baby bundle, and the next time we left the hospital we would be parents! I was given some cervadil after we checked in to help get things started. They kept telling me to get some rest and offered some sleeping medicine. Needless to say I totally should have taken them up on it! It's super hard to get any type of rest when you're laying on a bed that feels like cardboard.
Just waiting on our boy!
I started having some contractions in my back but nothing that i was worried about.The hours passed by slowly, but 5:00 came and it was time to really get things started!
They hooked me up to all of the machines and showed me on the monitors where my contractions were and what all of the numbers meant. Around 5:40 they started the medicine and I was FINALLY dilated to a two! This was exciting since I had been at a one for over a month. I remember being incredibly sleepy and so hungry! Steven went and got Braums for him. because I we knew it was going to be a long day.
Around 7:00 my water broke on its own! I was not expecting this and the whole time I was worried I had wet myself. I knew there was a lot of pressure on my bladder, but I really thought I could still control myself! After a few minutes I decided to tell Steven and our nurse what was going on. She thought it was hilarious that I thought I had wet the bed, I was anticipating a slow trickle ( from all the books and blogs I read, remember? Haha) But this was like...a lot. The contractions got really intense after that. I knew the medicine would make them worse than normal, but after my water broke they were coming every minute or so! I still don't know what normal contractions feel like because mine were all in my back. I kept focusing on one spot on the wall and telling myself out loud that, "it can't last forever." Which is true, but it was hard to really convince myself at the time!
About an hour later I was ready for my epidural! Now, I am so amazed at women who do this naturally, and I really thought I was going to try. I think they are the strongest people on the face of this earth and I applaud you! However, this was by far the best decision I could've made for Steven and me. I really thought I was a stronger person and I could have waited it out a little longer, but I decided if this was going to be a pleasant experience for my husband, then I needed the epidural. Steven was thinking that he was going to wait for the nurse to come in to tell her... silly man! I told him to go find them and put me on the list! Especially since the anesthesiologist was in a C-section delivery and wouldn't be out until later. What?! Luckily he headed out a little early to deliver my relief! It took them 3 tries to get the stinking needle in just right. You hear how hard it is to bend over and stay completely still while they do it, but no one tells you that you're still having awful contractions and having your heart rate measured every 15 minutes and you're still going to be leaking fluid. ( Lovely, I know) After they finally got it in, it didn't take long for that stuff to kick in! Praise the Lord! It was now around 8:46 and I decided I should call my parents and let them know what was going on. I had no idea how much time I had since my water had broke and the contractions were so close. Let me tell you... we had plenty of time.
At 9:00 they cam in and checked me and I was at a 3 1/2, 100% effaced, and he was at station 0. We were making progress! My parents showed up and hung out with us all day. It was so weird laying in that bed with everyone's eyes on me. I hate being the center of attention and since I couldn't walk or feel my legs at this point, I had no choice!
Around 11:00 Steven's parents and a couple of my girlfriends showed up. They were getting ready to check my progress again, so they decided to all go to lunch.I was dilated to a 4 and experienced the bloody show. Now, I really think the scientific community can come up with a better name for it, but it describes it very accurately! If this would've happened to me at home I probably would've fainted or completely freaked out at the least. ( Just another reason being induced was the right decision for us)
Nothing too exciting happened for most of the day. I just sat, unable to move my legs, eating popsicles, and having people stare at me. I will say this, the epidural made it SO easy to nap all day! I couldn't feel any pain from the contractions and I couldn't feel how incredibly uncomfortable the bed was, win-win! They had to take me off of the Pitocin because Arlo wasn't liking it. ( My body did the work from about 11:00 until he was born, which is why I think it took so long)
By 9:00 I was dilated to an 8 and was told my doctor was going to the Thunder game. I was terrified that someone else was going to deliver Arlo so I told him he could go ahead and wait. And he did! It was about 11:00 when I decided to send our friends home. I knew it was going to be very early in the morning before I had him and even later before they could see him and I didn't want them to have to wait around any longer. The nurses came in and told me I was dilated to a 9, but at this rate I knew it would still be a few more hours until our sweet boy was here!
Finally around 1:00 it was time! I was terrified to say the least, especially when I started to feel my legs again! But I had to feel something to know when to do my job. I pushed a few times and they realized his heart rate would go down after every push and there was meconium in there with him. Of course this is not something you want to hear! They told us his umbilical cord could be around his neck and we needed to make some quick decisions. I could either have a C-section or they could use a vacuum on his head to help pull him out quickly. Or first thought was C-section because of some of the issues that could arise with the vacuum. However, my doctor urged us to try the vacuum and she told me she wouldn't suggest it if she didn't think I could do it. We decided to go with the vacuum and I'm so glad we did! Within a few pushes and some major help from the doctor Mr. Arlo Harrison Stone was finally here! Weighing in at 7 pounds 3 ounces, and 20 1/2 inches long! I was relieved to have him out of my body and in my arms! And I was so glad that part was OVER!
I was so blessed to have had absolutely amazing, kind nurses, a wonderful doctor, and a great husband to get me through it all! I would not have been able to get through it without their support and encouraging words the whole time.
Welcome to the world baby Arlo!
Loving our sweet boy
Sweet baby burrito!
Proud daddy
I love baby yawns!
We love you too much baby Arlo.
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