Baby Bump

Thursday, December 15

Thoughtful Thursday

“We all pretend for a while or for a lifetime. But pretending is not living...I believe that God meant for life to take our breath away, sometimes because of the sheer joy of it all and sometimes because of the severe pain. To choose living over pretending means that we will know both.” 
-Angela Thomas
I want to be done living in this pretend world that I've made up for myself. Just sitting around thinking about my perfect life hasn't proved to be very productive.
I sometimes look through blogs or  read magazine articles and think, "Yeah, that's what I want my life to look like." But then go about my day as usual. The people I admire didn't get to where they are by just hoping and dreaming. They accomplished things by actually getting up and making it happen. By actually practicing and experimenting and making mistakes. By taking the good with the bad and making the most out of the real life situation they're in now.
Now, I know this can be a terribly scary thought. But... 
If we try to live our lives like a movie then we are going to miss out on a lot of real things that could be very important to how our real lives are going to turn out.
We can't compare our behind the scenes to somebody else's highlights. We just can't. We have to do what's best for ourselves and what's best for the dreams we have.
I hope that once you realize what your dreams are, what your passion is that you actually go out and do it!
"Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."

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