Baby Bump

Thursday, January 26

Thoughtful Thursday- Brave on the Rocks

It's definitely one of those days where I could just burst into tears at the drop of a hat. This morning I've already:

1. Had a terrible dream involving snakes (second night in a row, weird)
2. Didn't have time to finish fixing my hair to my liking
3. Had to help push Steven's truck back into the driveway because the clutch went out.
4. Been intimidated by the amount of papers on my desk and my lack of motivation.
5. Worried about money for the truck, or a new car, or whatever.
6. Been terribly bored because they blocked pinterest on my work computer.... So.Sad.
7. And we're out of milk.... 


I'm just so thankful that it's almost Friday, we have money in savings for things like this, I still have access to my blogs at work, my boss has meetings all morning, and I have people here who I can talk to when I need to get away from my desk (which seems to be often).

On a brighter note, since I've spent a lot of time with my mom lately I've really been able to get some stuff off my heart. She really is the absolute best listener. Don't get me wrong, Steven listens to all my rants and raves wholeheartedly and tries his very, very best to console me and I don't know what I would do without him to talk to, but there's just something about talking to another female and knowing that she "gets it" even when it's absolutely ridiculous.

I've figured out a lot about where I want my life to go within the next year and how to make it a reality (more on that down the road, you should be excited!), I've figured out a lot about how much of my life I share with certain people and what I need to do to not feel so hurt by others. This sounds so immature, but I can honestly say that since "hiding" some people from my facebook and them not being in my face all the time I've actually had a pretty good week! I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything too important, because hopefully, if it was super important that I know about... I would get a phone call. But if I don't then that's that.

I'm going to be brave with my life. I know that God won't call me to anything He won't help me through. I feel like I know what I need to do, I just hope I have the guts to work hard enough to make it as successful as it can be. Not for me, but for the plans God has for this adventure. I've been asking myself  lately, "Why isn't that my path?" or "Why don't I get to do X and B with my life?" Then I thought.... "Well, have I ASKED what my path is or what I need to be doing?" Nope. Absolutely not... Then I did, and guess what! It worked, funny huh? Crazy what asking will get you. But like I said, more on that later.

If you've never read anything By Sabrina or even heard of her I HIGHLY suggest you check her out! I know the metropolitan Library has 3 of her books. Everything about her is just so raw and honest. I became obsessed with her in high school when I first found her. Now, whenever I need a little extra inspiration or "realness" I crack open one of her books. Maybe I'll get one this weekend, but that would mean I'd have to pay my library fine....

"I want to give it up
fall out of line
allow the way it goes
telling the truth is like exposing
the underside of our wings - we see
that part only when we fly."

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