Baby Bump

Wednesday, November 2

November, November!

Here's just a little update from our Halloween party last Saturday. I'd say it was a success!!
Shaggy and Velma!
We also have super girl, an owl, little red riding hood, Zombie Bonnie (&Clyde), a raccoon, Alice in Wonderland, and a Jellyfish!!  I really wish I would've gotten more pictures of everyone else's costumes...oops.

"Why is a raven like a writing desk?"

Now on to November!! Unfortunately I think this might be a busy month in the Stone household. At least for me. November marks the beginning of making Christmas presents, getting ready for an open house (which I just started creating for... I'm lame I know),holiday time with our families and friends, a few birthdays, and finding time to snuggle with my love. Good night! And I was trying not to have anything planned after our Halloween party...there goes that idea.

We've been  busy around our house trying to discuss Christmas budgets, car problems, and trying to make responsible adult decisions, which turns out isn't that much fun. We've spent the last week thinking, planning, and talking about getting a dog. Not just any dog... a little bitty puppy bulldog...I was ecstatic! That was, until we continued our research and discovered we were going to have to pay a pretty penny for a healthy one not created in a puppy mill. This price didn't stop us at first though! We were trying to figure out how to move some money around and what a good potty schedule would be for our new member of the family. We read articles, talked to breeders, and bought magazines. (Imagine what kind of crazy parents we're gunna be! our kids don't stand a chance haha) We even had a meeting scheduled to go get him on Saturday! However, in the end I decided that the most responsible decision would be not to get little "hank." I am at peace with our decision because I know it's the best one for us right now, but needless to say I am still quite sad. It would have been so much fun having little hank running around, but we just don't have the money or time we need to spend on him.... so, so, sad.

So this is what it feels like to really be a grown up. I'm not sure how I feel about it, I don't think I like it...


  1. I can't tell you how many times I was asked in regards to Dylan, "Is that what the book says?!", because I was constantly don't do this, don't do that. And I still am a little, shhh!

  2. I know! I love reading your posts... working isn't an issue for me, it's all the stuff that comes with leaving a stage in your life! It's a lot!
