Baby Bump

Thursday, November 10

Thankful Thursday

Well this week has just been one for the books! ( And not in a great way) Besides not having a great night sleep since last Thursday this week has been even more exhausting. Let me break it down for you...

Steven's truck wouldn't start
We had to go get my mom's car so I could have something to drive
Late to work
Went home at lunch to let hank out and realized all of my house keys were with Steven....
Called Steven's mom to let me in our house
Realized that Hank's new food was hurting his tummy and he had quite the accident
Washed Hank and his toys and cage at lunch
Didn't have time to eat = popcorn for lunch
Worried about Hank all afternoon
Steven came home from work a little early because I had given his mom back her key...
Found hank had made a mess again! poor guy : (
Cleaned up the mess and made dinner for my parents so they would come look at Steven's truck
Came to the conclusion that his truck had to be towed
Had a terrible night trying to get Hank to go to the bathroom in the rain. Ended up standing outside with him

TUESDAY ( a little better)
Got to go home at 10:00 and 3:00 to let Hank out. MUCH BETTER!
Still struggling with whether or not we should've got him
Almost lost the only house key I have...3 times
Spilled water all over myself at lunch
Found more mouse poop...on my cook books!
Went and got the "old fashioned" mouse traps because our other one's weren't working.
Took ALL the food out of the cabinets and set traps in the kitchen and laundry room.
FINALLY caught that mouse!
Caught it on the cabinet, and it only caught his leg.... of course.
Then it ran towards the stove and got caught under the metal burner ( it wasn't on of course, just ridiculous)
Steven had to get it with tongs (gross)
Actually slept decent with the exception of taking Hank out twice.

Got to go home again and check on Hank
Still struggling with whether or not we should've got him
Found out Steven's truck is going to cost A LOT. great...
Deep cleaned the kitchen at lunch and tried to give Hank attention.
Ran out of time = popcorn again.
Steven had to work late
Hank was being quite the little butt head all night!
didn't art...again.
Cried all evening about what we should do with Hank and the truck. ( Stress and lack of sleep FINALLY took over )

And here we are....

Like I said... WHAT A WEEK! I'm soo ready for it to be over. If I can just make it to December I might be ok.

Even thought this week started out this way I'm trying to focus on all the things I can be thankful for. And this week has actually taught me a lot!

Thankful for:
-Steven's truck breaking in the driveway and not on the highway

-Being able to drive my mom's car

-Having a dad that made all the necessary phone calls to get the truck picked up and fixed

-Steven for being so loving and macho all at the same time, for dealing with me and my emotions night and day, for waking up with me when I can't sleep, and for helping me and supporting me in the decisions I make

-Having a job that is so close to home

-Having the most amazing support system in my parents and
Steven. I know I can get through ANYTHING with them there.

-Catching that mouse!! Now I don;t have to be worried it's gunna crawl across me at night.

-A God that loves me and still provides blessings even when I don't listen to a word he says. He makes all my wrongs right in his own way.


  1. For some reason it didn't post my comment last time!!! grr blogspot! anyway, I'm sorry that you guys have had such a terrible week! we had some of the same anxiety and doubts when we got Cooper! I actually created a blog about him called "living the cooper life". It was short lived because blogging is so time consuming. LEt me knwo if there is anythign that I can do, even if its just a creativity/ doggy play date. We could create things while the dogs entertain each other. Or I can Hank sit if you need an evening without him. We love you guys and are glad that you have each other to help get through the tough times. Ones day you will look back on all of this stuff and laugh because they were "the good old days" :)
